
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Kern County cities take action against human waste trucking

Kern County cities take action against human waste trucking

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. Kern County cities are taking action to stop a practice that's irritated local residents for a long time -- the trucking of treated human waste from Southern California into local farmland.

The county already adopted a partial ban on the practice.

But now cities like Taft, Delano, Tehachapi, Wasco, Shafter and Arvin are rushing to support a bill proposed by state Senator Dean Florez which would stop the shipment of sludge across county lines.

Sanitation districts in Los Angeles are suing, arguing the ban is discriminatory, since Kern County cities themselves apply their sludge to their land.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


Blogger Dan said...

I do not see that the Bakersfield City Fathers are behind this issue "YET" it is supposed to be on the agenda March 30th.. Bakersfield needs to Back this issue. It is not political as one of our County Supervisors Ray Watson has said but a quality of life issue for all the Kern County residents, most of which are from Bakersfield. You can contact the Bakersfield City Council at City_Council@ci.bakersfield.ca.us
Thanks to the Senator for doing his JOB...

8:33 AM


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